Aurora Borealis pictures from countryside

Visited southern Jyväskylä countryside during an interesting space weather event having high probability of Aurora Borealis and Perseid meteor shower hitting the Earth atmosphere.

FMI space weather statistics showing the high Aurora Borealis levels while taking the photographs (blue square).
Initial Aurora Borealis showing mostly in the east.


Another shot towards the east with Aurora Borealis appearing from the chimney.


Upwards and south facing shot from the corner of a house with two meteors visible.


Upwards and south facing picture with interesting shapes over an oak tree. There is also a meteor visible on the right side of the picture.


More interesting shapes towards south east over a dog pen.


Another from corner of the house towards south east.


Aurora Borealis breaking in the middle of the sky with camera tilting slightly southwards. Image focus is slightly off.


Facing north west over barn.


Interesting round shapes towards west over Big Dipper star constellation.
Later the Aurora Borealis appeared also towards north which is where it would more normally only appear.


Pictures were taken with Sony RX100m7 pocket camera on a portable “Velbon potable multi stand 155” tripod with 13 second shutter speed. Pictures are slightly more bright and colourful than view with bare eyes. There was some trouble focusing as camera’s manual focus set on infinite was focusing beyond the stars.







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